Round Tables > Geography


Friday, September 24th, 2:45pm-4:45pm

Centre de Colloques, room 11

Organization : Béatrice Collignon (Passages – Université Bordeaux Montaigne), Jérôme Monnet (LVMT – Université Gustave Eiffel)

Speakers :

Chloé Nicolas Artero (Universidad de Chile)


Matthieu Noucher (Passages - CNRS),


Florence Nussbaum (EVS - Université Lyon 3)


Florian Opillard (IHEAL CREDA, IRSEM)


Alberto Preci, (PRODIG)

Presentation : After having chosen an object as port of entry – the city – in 2019, we propose to start with two classic concepts of the discipline, margins and marches, in order to assess the state of research conducted by geographers on the Americas.

The interest of these two concepts lies in their relevance to multiples scales of analysis (from the most micro-scale of a back alley to the most macro of the whole continent), and in their polysemy, that allows them to be mobilized by different fields of geography (geopolitics, political geography, social, cultural but also economic geography). Taken in its old political meaning, “marches’’ interacts with “margins” to think about and problematize a geography of borders and edges that walking/marching as a travel mode on variable distances or as a collective form of manifestation (festive, commemorative, or of protest) helps to redraw and reposition. Thus, the margins and marches diptych helps structure a round table offering a diversity of approaches and ongoing works on the Americas and show the coherence of the continent geography which together they draw.

With the support of Passages UMR 5319

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