Round Tables > Americanism in Europe

Friday, September 24th, 11:15am-1:15pm

Centre de Colloques, room 3

Organization : Serge Jaumain (AmericaS - Université Libre de Bruxelles), Sonia Lehman Frisch (Université Paris Nanterre) and Virginie Aron (Institut des Amériques)

Speakers : Manuel Alcántara (Universidad de Salamanca), Peter Birle (Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut), Robert Boyer (CNRS), Serge Jaumain (Université Libre de Bruxelles), François-Michel Le Tourneau (IHEAL CREDA – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), Frédéric Louault (AmericaS - Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Presentation : The idea of assessing the outcomes of American studies in Europe was born during a round table on American studies in Europe at the 2019 Institut des Amériques Congress. To prepare an Oxford Handbook on this subject would make a lot of sense, but at this point, the idea seems too ambitious and distant. It seems wise to position the Institut des Amériques as a key actor in this field and to use its own publication channel to present a first assessment of the question. Therefore, it was suggested, with the agreement of the editorial committee of the electronic journal IdeAs, to prepare an “Eclairages” (Enlightening) dossier on the subject.
This will not be a complete assessment of American studies in Europe but more of a first look into the way they structured themselves in recent years in six European countries (France, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and Italy). This round table is about quickly introducing the main centers and study groups that are active in the field, by emphasizing their objectives and main achievements. In view of the specificities of the Institut des Amériques, the authors will highlight initiatives to overcome the traditional compartmentalization between researchers working on North and Latin America. It is the result of this work that will be presented and discussed at the Congress in September 2021.

With the support of LAVUE UMR 7218

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